Hisham Awad is a writer exploring cinematic space, montage, and the film soundtrack. He completed an MA in Aural and Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London, and is currently working towards a Ph.D. in Film and Visual Studies at Harvard University. His presentations include "Physical Memories" at The Status of Sound: Writing Histories of Sonic Art conference (The Graduate Center, City University of New York), and "The Liquid and the Arid" (Barber Shop project space, Lisbon). With Basia Lewandowska Cummings, Hisham is working on a project examining cinematic and post-cinematic montage; the first installment, Four Ways to Read the Cut, is published by 98weeks project space, the second was produced as a talk entitled V as in Vertigo: On Disorientation in Cinema, in the framework of The Dream Machine 2, at the Beirut Art Center, in 2013.