Nilbar Güreş, Below Elsewhere’s Palm Trees, 2012
Courtesy the artist, Rampa Gallery, Istanbul, and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna.
From April 22 to June 12, 2016, the Badischer Kunstverein will be mounting an extensive exhibition and events programme on the subject of migration and flight. Hannah Arendt’s essay We Refugees provides the exhibition and events with their title and conceptual approach. In her essay We Refugees, which appeared in 1943 and was not translated into German until 1986, the philosopher takes her own biographical situation as her starting point to reflect on the status of so-called refugees and attacks the usual strategies for their assimilation. Arendt argues for the right of migrants to be politically active and to participate in social practices. She already saw that they, as “the vanguard of their peoples,” necessarily call into question political principles such as nationhood, nationality, and territoriality.