

Winter 2014 | ArteZine

On ruptures and new shifts in the artistic practice of Egyptian visual artist Shayma Aziz “The painting flashed one night through my head, as I was in my studio in Cairo. I was passing some time reflecting on old works of mine, studying how I used to see things”. Artist Shayma Aziz was saying, while […]

Cartography of the Everyday

Fall 2013 | ArteZine

This issue marks the fifth installment of a six-quarter cycle of the Virtual Gallery that spotlights artists from the Maghreb leading up to the 2014 edition of the Marrakech Biennial. Each subsequent gallery will showcase artists who deal with the every day in their work to reveal the conceptual threads and regional connections that underlie […]

The Sea Is This Way: Editorial Note
The Sea Is This Way: Editorial Note

Fall 2013 | ArteZine

“The right to the city is far more than the individual liberty to access urban resources: it is a right to change ourselves by changing the city more after our heart’s desire… The freedom to make and remake our cities is one of the most precious yet most neglected of our human rights.”- David Harvey, 2008 […]

This Sea Is Mine …هذا البحر لي
This Sea Is Mine …هذا البحر لي

Fall 2013 | ArteZine

We met Abu Hussein when we were sitting once at Abu Adal’s kiosk in “Dalieh” in Beirut. He told us that he is one of the ten fishermen who were evicted from their sea-front rooms that were located under the Grand Café, a café on the southern coast of Beirut. These fishermen had been using […]

Bahrain: An Island Without Sea البحرين جزيرة بلا بحر
Bahrain: An Island Without Sea البحرين جزيرة بلا بحر

Fall 2013 | ArteZine

“The sea was neither stolen, nor looted (manhouba). It was bestowed (mawhouba)” Perched on a bench next to a rickety wooden fisherman’s hut by the sea, sits a man in his 60s, wearing a grin and traditional white Bahraini headscarf. Only ten years ago, if the bench stayed where it is now, it would have […]

Warships in the Sea of Al-Raml Al-Janoubi …سفن حربية في بحر الرمل الجنوبي
Warships in the Sea of Al-Raml Al-Janoubi …سفن حربية في بحر الرمل الجنوبي

Fall 2013 | ArteZine

Al-Raml Al-Janoubi (the Southern Sands) is an impoverished neighbourhood south of Lattakia city in Syria. The neighbourhood is divided into many districts, four of which are located on the coastline, from east to west respectively: Al-Shalehat (Chalets) which include a military residential complex, Talae’e Al-Baath Camp (Baath Party Vanguards camp) made to incubate the primary […]

This is God’s Sea …هدا بحر ربَنا
This is God’s Sea …هدا بحر ربَنا

Fall 2013 | ArteZine

https://vimeo.com/162539836 “Saudi Arabia is one of very few countries in the world where the effect of the global economic crisis has been relatively minor; thus highlighting the continued Saudi governmental support for the domestic tourism market which is both robust and unwavering,” said Prince Abdullah Bin Saud Bin Mohammed Al-Saud, Chairman of Al Ahlam Marina […]

Reclaiming the Commons in Beirut استعادة المشاع في بيروت
Reclaiming the Commons in Beirut استعادة المشاع في بيروت

Fall 2013 | ArteZine

The story of Mashaa began in 2012, in the middle of a hot and sticky summer in Beirut. It came at the end of a decade. A decade where we had witnessed, all along the coast, new chic beach resorts popping up like mushrooms, with swimming pools and jacuzzis right on the sea, bars and […]

The Sea Which Colluded With the Enemy البحر الذي تواطأ مع الأعداء
The Sea Which Colluded With the Enemy البحر الذي تواطأ مع الأعداء

Fall 2013 | ArteZine

Three Miniatures  Haifa [The establishment of the new port of Haifa in 1929 led to a drastic change in the city’s social and political structure. Many Palestinian families and individuals moved from their nearby villages to live and work in Haifa given the prosperity of the economy, whether in the port itself or in its […]

The Sea Is This Way…البحر من هنا
The Sea Is This Way…البحر من هنا

Fall 2013 | ArteZine

The reality of what you see is directly proportional to your imagination, for the reality I live in this moment is perceived differently by me than it’s perceived by you, transforming itself into a memory which varies depending on the messenger and the place. What are we in the end, but the result of what […]
