Suzy Halajian is an independent curator and writer based in Los Angeles. Recent curated projects include I can call this progress to halt, LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), Los Angeles, 2017 (upcoming March); At night the states, co-curated, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, 2017; Harry Dodge: The Inner Reality of Ultra-Intelligent Life, Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, 2016; The Closer I Get To The End The More I Rewrite The Beginning, Human Resources, Los Angeles, 2015; Drowning and swallowing this text, LACE, Los Angeles, 2014, and Nothing is forgotten, some things considered, UKS, Oslo (both co-curated with collaborator Shoghig Halajian). Halajian is a 2014 recipient of the Andy Warhol Foundation's Curatorial Travel/ Research Fellowship. She also co-organizes the invitation of sorts talk series in Los Angeles and is on the Programming Committee at Human Resources LA. She holds an MA from the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College, New York, and a BA from UCLA in Economics and International Relations.